How To Play Chess

How To Play Chess

If you want to learn how to play chess then this post is for you. I will show you how to set up chess board and different rules of ches like castling, checkmate. I will teach you all information about chess. At that time I try to keep video simple to understand. So please Read this post till end. 

 How To Setup the Chess board

How to setup chess board

In above image you can see a chess board. You also need to setup like this. Before setup check that the white square is always in right hand side of a both players. I see 90% beginners don't know how to setup chess board. They place king on queen side and queen on king side. So please see the image and place pieces correctly.

 After setup board you need to learn how every chess pieces moves. If you know this thing then you can play good. 

Chess pieces Movement

1. Pawn

Pawn diagram
Pawn are the weakest one in the game and are allowed to move in one direction only Straight Ahead. A pan can advance 1 or 2 squares, according to players wish, on its first move, but from the next move if there is a piece in its front and can move only piece is removed. The pawan can capture a piece of opposition appearing diagonally ahead of it, either right or left. When the pawn reaches the first row at it's rival's side, it is exchange for queen or any thing else than the king. So, the presence of two white queens or two black Queens at the same time is permissable.

2. Rook


The Rook (can move in a straight line) either across or up and down the board. It's movements are horizontal and vertical along the vacant squares, either in forward or backward direction.


The knight moves in a strange fashion, it can Gallop Over one square and land into q square of different colour on its left or right side. So, if it is in on white square, it moves to a black one and vice versa. 

How Knight Moves In chess
Diagram 3
Catch the movement from the diagram 3 which is 2 squares wide and 3 squares long. The black kinght 'A' leaps to the square 'F' at the opposite corner. Similarly, The white knight at 'B' leaps onto 'E'. The knight is only piece in the chessboard which jump over piece in whether there bis a piece in between. So, a knight can cover all 64 squares and is able to capture any piece at any square shere it can jump onto next move.

4. Bishop

White Bishop Chess piece
The movement of the Bishop is a Diagonal one. Being a bit stronger than the pawns it can move backward along with forward moves. It can move ti as many diagonal squares as are vacant. It may capture bon opponent on the sane diaginally 

5. Queen 

Queen is the most powerful piece on the board, with a combined movement of the bishop and the Room. It can move forward and backward. Horizontally Vertically and Diagonally. It is able to capture any piece coming to its way.

6. King

Alike the pawn, the King too cab move one square at a time but in All Directions. The king cab move to any direction if likes and can capture any piece occupying it's adjacent square. The king cannot make move into "Check".

 Check  And Checkmate

The king when captured cannot be taken off from the board. A player when captures the king  of his opponent and says "check" then Captive king is "In Check". A captive king can obtain freedom in 3 ways
  1.  If it captures the checking pieces
  2. If it moves to an adjacent squares, free from check
  3. If one of the pieces of the defending party is moved.
So as to interpose between the king and the checking piece thus intercepting the check, provided the checking piece is not a knight. When a player fails for free his king by one of these three methods, his king  is 'Check Mated' and the opponent wins the game.

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Special Rules / Draw


Sometimes game can end with the draw. Stalemate is also type of draw in chess.  It happens when it is your turn, but there is no any kind of check and there is no any  square to move your any piece. All pieces are freez you can't move any piece on board it is called stalemate.

Draw by 50 Move Rule

This rule said that the 50 consecutive moves without making any pawan moves or without any captures then the result into draw by 50 move rule.

Threefold repetition :

This rule state that if exact same position repeated three times during the game on board then it's result into a draw.

What is Castle 

This is a very special move in chess. Because In this move you can move king two squares towards the Rook and rook come other side of king. When this move happens on king side then it is called king side castling or short castle.  Now similarly King moves tow squares towards the Queen Side Rook and Rook is placed on other side of king then it is called queen side castling or long castle.

But there are some rule or conditions you should know this rules before doing casting
  1.  It should be king's first move.
  2. It must be room's first move.
  3. There should not be any pieces between king and the room
  4. When you are in check then you can't castle. Also you can't castle through check.
This are all basic rules in chess.


Chess is very easy game to play if you understand movement of every piece or rules. From this post you learned that who is called king, queen, kinght, rook, bishop or pawn in chess and how they moves. Most important thing is setup chess board that you already learned in first point. So Now you are ready to play chess.

I hope you are happy with this post. If you like this post then share this with your friends and tell them to learn chess and play with you. Thanks for giving your important time to read my post.

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